Sedona Verde Life | Eliphante
/Who knew this was right here in Cornville, AZ! What a unique and interesting place to visit. Eliphante, pronounced "ell-eh-fahn-tay" was residence to the late artist Michael Kahn and his wife Leda Livant-Kahn. The elephant-like entrance to one of the structures gave the building and the compound their name. It is now a private residence looked after and cared for by the a non-profit, volunteer-run and member supported organization. Volunteers and caretakers refer to themselves as Eliphanteers. Featured in NY Times Online Magazine Arizona Highways and The Arizona Republic. This infamous space is little known to locals and tourists alike.
“The artist Michael Kahn spent 30 years of his life creating, while painting and residing at, the three acres known as Eliphante. The buildings and structures at Eliphante, while expressions of creativity and artistry, were also Michael’s solutions to the practical needs for work space, studio’s, shelter and housing for himself and his wife Leda. Michael lived there until his death in 2007. Leda remained there until 2009, and now lives in Cottonwood AZ.
Today, Eliphante Village is revitalized with new directorship and has entered a new chapter focused on priorities of restoration gatherings, art, ecology and community minded services and projects.
To reach Eliphante you must either drive across across Oak Creek when its water-level is low or take a canoe ride when waters run high. Is it a hodge-podge of chaos or an incredible collection of unique artistic expression, will be up to you to decide! Eliphante is a memorable experience either way. Every month on the last Sunday, Eliphante Village welcomes guests and members to come out and visit with the caretakers, explore the grounds, and share in the bounty of a community-provided vegetarian meal. To find out more, email or visit
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